Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Journalism As Ideologue

I plan to go into political journalism which especially attracts bias. As a political reporter it is especially important that I am transparent, and set all of my own thoughts and feelings about the issue aside. Some points made in the presentation included a need for more independent or at least independent seeming journalists. Journalists with a clear understanding of the political issues are also needed, because good stories are created by information, which informs and motivates.

The key is to totally separate yourself from your views and values once you begin reporting in the field. One quote I especially like from the presentation says, “In its purest usage objectivity means to be so utterly disinterested as to be transparent.” On the same token, it is important to also be able to write for a specific side. For instance, when a story is complex, a good story demolishes counterarguments, but it must be aware of them.

One point made, which stuck with me from the presentation grew from the question, “Is a journalist’s job just to view and watch?” I would say no. Journalists inform the public, and how information is presented to them, is often how society will see it as a whole. Journalists must use good judgment in language, we decide what quotations to use, and what emotions we want to put in the story. With that we must tell the story but not make judgment on what people say or what events are right or wrong.

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